I Confess

I confess.  I gave up on politics.  It’s been happening for years – I was ‘normal’ – I voted for who I wanted to win, not who I believed in.  Year by year my cynicism grew… and when I saw The Secret and started to explore The Law of Attraction, I decided I was better off by not being so disappointed, so against.

But today I spent time with The Future of Politics— Annie Loyd (www.annieloyd.com)… Google for transpartisnship – as opposed to bipartisanship.  Like me, you are for the possibility of America.  We used to be the hope of the world, the symbol of what we all want – a fair chance, the ability to strive for equality, for a decent shot at creating our own future, for “The American Dream.”  I know you want that; we all do. 

And over the years I, at least, have given up on it.  I work for a sustainable future.  I work for social justice.  I work for spiritual fulfillment.  But it’s against a background of political cynicism and resignation.  I’m sorry.  I have been disloyal to myself — And politics is very much fundamental to all of this.

Annie has changed that for me.  She strives for a political future that goes past: “we can only hope for that if we make the other side wrong, defeated, losers.”  Annie says, “not so.”  Both ‘sides’ want the same things… And there are answers to our problems.  (I note that this is consistent with the Law of Attraction.) 

She speaks of Paul Hawken’s Blessed Unrest–– that more and more people feel like me about electoral poplitics, that there are many, many disconnected movements to the future we want…  And that we can bring this to the political scene.  There really are independents.  We want solutions not enemies.

Find out.  You owe it to yourself.  You owe it to our future.  Annie Loyd for Congress; the new transpartisanship.

2 Responses to “I Confess”

  1. Steve Rosenbaum Says:

    Politics is messy by it’s very nature. It’s always been messy. The idea that things are getting worse is a historical inaccuracy. The only time politics works the way one point of view wants it is in a tryanical dictatorship. There’s no magic pill or wand you can wave to make everyone get along.

    As Ben Wattenberg stated in his book, The Good News About the Bad News is that the Bad News Is Wrong.

    The American dream is alive and getting stronger. Just look what’s happened to home ownership. Today, 84% of all millionaires are first generation. In fact, this stat is a continuation of the trend send the late 1800s. Isn’t success and home ownership the American dream.

  2. MichaelK Says:

    WiserEarth.org, a project of Paul Hawken and his team, is a directory of more than 100,000 nonprofits working on social justice and environmental sustainability around the world.

    It is a way for people and those working in these organizations to connect and visualize themselves as a movement, which Hawken mentions at the end of Blessed Unrest. Check it out, anyone can use it and contribute!

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